Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 15

Well, my hospital bed rest (and bed rest in general) is over.  2 weeks in the hospital plus 3 weeks and a day at home and we made it to 25w 4d before Gage made his early arrival. 

I'll be discharged tomorrow- could've been today, but we want to stay one more night close to Gage.  We only live about 5 minutes from the hospital and want to have Hunter home with us after tonight so we won't be doing any boarding, unless maybe things turn for the worse. 

Gage is still doing well in the NICU, there has been no big or major changes in his condition and they say he is doing "good."  We pray this continues but are doing our best to "steel" ourselves for the almost inevitable setbacks that will most likely occur.  Although I'm not sure you can ever really prepare yourself. 

My doctor was unable to deliver Gage.  Turns out yesterday was his birthday and when the on call doc gave him the heads up- he was just sitting down to his birthday dinner with his wife.  I'm glad he didn't bail on his birthday dinner.  And the on call doc ended up being absolutely awesome.  I was a little hesitant about her because last week we had a little misunderstanding regarding whether my cervix was open or closed or what but it turned out that she was pretty great.  She was compassionate, very nice and incredibly funny.  Considering we were delivering a very premature baby, the OR was a very cheerful place last night.  I did have a VBAC, but we delivered in the OR because it was closer to the NICU.  So while we were waiting for me to finish dilating (took like 40 minutes to go from 4.5 to 10) and the epidural to "wear off" just enough that I could feel when to push, the nurses, doctor, Chris and myself were actually all quite happy and joking around.  That sounds really strange considering the uncertainty and fearfulness of having a 25.5 weeker, but it was perfect.  I think a somber, scared environment would've just been more stressful.  It did get quiet and somber for a bit while they worked on Gage, because of course the tidbits we hear don't sound good, but Chris helped lighten the mood when he had to lie down on the OR table because he thought he was going to pass out (well after Gage had been delivered and we were awaiting them to finish initial procedures on Gage).  In itself it wasn't really that funny, but the doc ran to get him some juice (apple) and when she handed it too him he thought she was giving him a beer and said, "dear you are switching doctors!" I was just giggling.  It was crazy. 

This morning my Doc who is on vacation came in to see us.  Can I just say I heart him?  I can't imagine having gone through either of these last two pregnancies with anyone else as my Doctor.  Along with just missing being pregnant I'm going to miss seeing him on a monthly/semi-monthly/weekly basis.  Once a year just isn't going to be enough LOL. 

It's crazy to think we went from a way too premature baby who didn't make it to a nearly full term baby with Hunter and now to a NICU baby with Gage.  I know we have a long way to go before he's "out of the woods" completely and I hope and pray that God's will and plan for him is that he will come home and grow up to play alongside his big brother. 

Well, that's enough for now, I'm going to go pump so when Chris gets back from his flu shot we can go down to see our littlest guy and maybe bring him a little colostrum taste too.

Thanks again to everyone who is thinking of us and praying for us.  It's going to be a long hard road, but we know God is holding us, giving us strength and will get us through it all, whatever comes our way.  His will be done.... 


  1. welcome to the world, gage! thoughts will be with you during his hospital stay and beyond...great job mama for keeping him safe and sound for so long.

  2. What a world wind 15 days, Anna. Please be gentle with yourself when the emotions and hormones and non-sleep come. You are doing a fantastic job. Remember to drink lots of water. Pumping makes you THIRSTY!
    Gage is a beautiful little boy. We are praying for him and you.

    Do you have some resources to help you as you enter into the NICU road? I know Tonya would be glad to help.

    love you, friend.
