Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gage's Updates

I created a CaringBridge website for Gage so there is one central location for updates.  I will most likely still post here about Gage, but for the most part the main updates will be consistently found (well, hopefully consistent...) at this website so I don't have to post updates on the blog, facebook, MISS, email etc.  My posts here will probably be more about how I'm feeling with everything.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anna,
    I found your blog from Ebe's. She is a real-life friend whom I met through our blogs. I will definitely be praying for Gage. Our stories are so very similar, but in a different order. My first was a full-term baby, my second daughter was born at 25 weeks, 2 days (and is 7 now), my third boy was a full-term stillborn and now we have a 5 1/2 month old boy who was born at 33 weeks.

    I'm here if you want to email or even chat. I've been down the NICU road twice, once longer than the other. It's not easy. It's a definite roller coaster.

    I will be praying and checking your caringbridge site to know how to specifically pray. I used to drape myself over Emma Grace's isolette before I left and would pray for her specifically body part by body part. I will do the same for Gage.

    Love and blessings.
